Pre-Suasion Audiobooks



Dr. Robert Cialdini’s second bestseller, "Pre-Suasion" (2016), took thirty-two years to craft, offering salespeople a powerful guide to enhancing their persuasion skills. The book revolves around the concept of priming—preparing prospects to be more open to sales and marketing endeavors. Its aim? To assist persuaders in creating ‘privileged moments’ wherein prospects adopt the perfect mindset for influence and persuasion.

Divided into three sections, "Pre-Suasion" begins by emphasizing the crucial role of directing attention in priming prospects for persuasion. Cialdini delves into subtle details that can subtly guide prospects towards desired outcomes in the second section. The final section, a personal favorite, echoes the core teachings of his first bestseller, "Influence," emphasizing their relevance in focusing the attention of prospective customers and underlining ethical considerations.

The book offers a sequential set of takeaways, first addressing the importance of attention in cultivating privileged moments. Cialdini challenges the traditional notion that altering beliefs or perceptions is crucial for persuasion. Instead, he highlights the power of directing attention at the moment of decision-making. He illustrates this with studies where a simple question about one’s personality trait significantly increased compliance without altering perceptions about the product. By focusing attention on specific traits like adventure or helpfulness, individuals became more receptive to the persuader’s message.

The concept of ‘target chuting’ is introduced, likened to how palm readers or cult recruiters strategically ask questions that direct attention toward desired aspects. This technique triggers individuals to seek confirmations aligning with the persuader’s objectives. Additionally, the book references Milton Erickson’s technique of lowering his voice to draw attention, illustrating how subtle tactics can effectively channel focus without risking relationships.

"Pre-Suasion" is a roadmap for salespeople, revealing the potency of attention manipulation in creating influential moments. It showcases the art of subtly guiding focus, enabling persuaders to ethically and effectively influence prospects’ decisions.

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