You Are a Badass Yello book Audiobooks & Pdf



The interview setting was pristine, a glossy red table against stark white walls echoing the company's red-and-white logo. When asked about my favorite book, I confidently named "You Are a Badass" by Jen Sincero. I remembered a chapter I'd read that very morning, though in that moment, a humorous thought crossed my mind: should I have stuck to Jane Austen instead?

The reactions were priceless. One person smirked and busied themselves with rearranging papers, another scratched their head uncertainly, while the interviewer struggled to maintain a serious demeanor. Mentioning "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck" in that corporate setting might have been akin to standing on the table and shouting expletives!

These interviewers were high-ranking professionals at a prominent international bank in Dhaka. Reflecting on the terms "seniors" and "Dhaka," it's no surprise my book choice might have raised eyebrows. The book hadn't gained much traction locally until recently, and the term "badass," though empowering globally, might not be as positively received here due to its association with the word "ass."

"You Are a Badass" is a celebrated book worldwide, but its recognition here is relatively limited. I strongly feel that everyone around me should know and appreciate the book as much as I do!

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